I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there. ©
Вдогонку Ночи Мастера. Даже растрогалась )

Doctor + Master brief history by ~Elyssiel on deviantART

moar ♥


@темы: Рек, фанатское, Арты, DW, Доктор/Мастер

13.01.2013 в 17:09

my story is one of many thousands, and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.

13.01.2013 в 17:32

I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there. ©
13.01.2013 в 17:43

my story is one of many thousands, and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.
Black Bride, фиаааалочка
13.01.2013 в 17:46

I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there. ©
Quecksilberdampflampe, подснежничек незабудочка любовь в общем (пошла искать в шкафу что-нибудь подходящее)
13.01.2013 в 17:47

my story is one of many thousands, and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.
Black Bride, всех названий растений не хватит чтобы описать