Угораздило же меня (спасибо ноосфере и шестому/десятому/сто двадцатому чувству!) залезть с утра в ноут, посмотреть маршрут до работы. Я зацепила краем глаза твиттер-гаджет на рабочем столе и обалдела от визгов )) Думаю, ну всееееее, апокалипсис ) И с любопытной рожицей полезла глазеть )
Видео с Клейно-киссом и Бриттано-киссом выложили минут за 12 до моего появления в сети ) Клево я подгадала )
Покаваилась ) Это было так мило и предсказуемо, вчера все фаны твиттили: плиз, пусть они (имея в виду либо Клейн, либо Бриттану - в зависимости от лагеря) поцелуются! И все такие: Naaah, it's impossible. И надо же, организаторы шоу снова решили сделать фансервис-вброс, зафиналив радугой. THE MOST GAY SHOW AND TOUR EVER ) Вы долбанулись, товарищи )) Че за бордель? ))
И не щадите своих
дойных коров звездных деток. Вы хоть понимаете, что теперь с них вообще не слезут? Их затрахают до одури бешеные фанаты. Ну, раз вам их не жалко - вперед. Думаю, Крис сам себя пожалеет и на следующий сезон попросит то, что попросит. То, про что он спойлернул в своем мега-стихе )
Кстати, вот он и скрипт скита.
Kurt: So Blaine, it's our last night in Dublin…
Blaine: Oh no!
Kurt: …and it's our last night on the Glee 2011 tour.
Blaine: Yes…
Kurt: So, I wrote a poem--
Blaine: You didn't.
Kurt: --which I will recite now for you.
Blaine: Please do. Oh Kurt, you're such a romantic.
Kurt: Blaine Warbler Anderson, I have never loved another.
Except for last year, when I was in love with my stepbrother.
I admire you almost as much as I admire the late Alexander McQueen.
You're exquisite when you sing.
How I have missed our impromptu performances in the Dalton Academy halls, the rooms, the bleachers...
where the hell were all the teachers?
We've seen everything eye-to-eye. All the pain, all the hurt…
…at least we did until my last growth spurt.
We've shared so many intimate moments, memories that shine and glitter.
Just the two of us...and Facebook, Myspace, Tumblr, and Twitter.
Since we've met it's been absolute heaven,
(for your Emmy consideration in 2011).
But through all the glory, the scary, and the hype…
I swear to God I'm gonna punch the next person who calls me a stereotype!
I'm so thankful to have found a partner as talented as me, and forever we shall be...
...unless the writers change things in season three.
So Blaine…until that happens…I thought now would be the perfect time…to propose!
Blaine: Um…what exactly are you proposing, Kurt?
Kurt: Blaine Warbler…
Blaine: Yes?
Kurt: Will you…join Glee Club!
Blaine: Kurt…just…shut up, come here, come on, get up. C'mere. C'mere, Come here! Kurt...you had me at Emmy.
*Blaine grabs Kurt and kisses him*
Crowd: *screaming*
Kurt: *stumbles away and looks dazed, falls down and rolls around like Draco Malfoy*
Blaine: Come on…did you think Santana was the only girl who was gonna have some fun? Kurt, you are my man and my inspiration and I thought you would never ask, what do you guys think, should I join Glee Club?
Crowd: *screaming*
Blaine: You know what, Kurt, I've always wanted to do something that the Warblers would never, ever let me do--
Chris: *sounding breathless* Wear another blazer?
Blaine: *bends down to where Kurt is still on the floor* We've been through this. You LOVE the blazer.
Kurt: *nods enthusiastically and goes back to gasping for breath*
Blaine: No, I've always wanted to do one of those big, powerhouse 80s rock songs, wouldn't that be fun? Please? PLEASE?
Kurt: Yeah, no honey, no no no no. It's scripted that Finn is next.А вообще вы, конечно, обалдели, товарищи криэйтеры *рукалицо*. Че вы творите. Конечно, Лия с Гроффом зажигали почище... И все же.